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Deeper Dive: Thailand, tourism and global harmony

Thailand’s recent relaxation of visa restrictions was necessary for both the economy and social stability, says a leading travel historian, because the kingdom is deeply dependent on tourism.
On the latest edition of the Bangkok Post vodcast “Deeper Dive”, Imtiaz Muqbil worries that countries will compete with each other for tourist revenue in a race to the bottom that risks “overtourism” in certain areas.
But he says the industry itself can solve these problems by using better marketing and promotion strategies.
He says that the loosening of borders brings an inevitable rise in criminal activity that can only be mitigated, not prevented.
And finally, he says that since the end of the Second World War, travel and tourism have had a higher purpose – to promote cultural understanding and world peace.
Watch the episode by pressing “Play” below or by following Or you can listen to the audio-only version by searching for “Deeper Dive Thailand” wherever you get your podcasts.
